The DSO Workstream

Effective congestion management increases grid reliability – the primary concern of all network operators. This workstream assessed multiple existing solutions to deal with (possible) congestion, their specific environments and drivers, in order to define best-of-breed approaches.


Congestion management

Increased energy electrification and more renewables generation continue to make the electrical system more volatile and thus cause higher peak demands. This increases the risk of congestion on a system that is often already operating at capacity. At USEF, we have been working on congestion management mechanisms for some time. Several DSOs across Europe have also developed initiatives and made regulatory framework adjustments to address congestion. The DSO workstream creates a collaborative platform to compare and contrast different models and to share the learning across functions, organisations and countries, as well as apply it to the framework.


  • Aura Caramizaru
  • EDSO
  • Carolina Vereda
  • Eurelectric
  • Claude Perret
  • Enedis
  • Didier Halkin
  • ORES
  • Herman Bontius
  • Alliander
  • Joachim Matthys
  • Eandis
  • John Hodemaekers
  • USEF / Stedin
  • Matthys Joachim
  • Eandis
  • Katharina Volk
  • Netze BW GmbH
  • Milo Broekmans
  • USEF / Stedin
  • Paul de Wit
  • Alliander
  • Poul Brath
  • DONG
  • Sahra Vennemann
  • Innogy
  • Sven Jundel
  • Innogy
  • Tony Hearne
  • ESB