Join USEF’s Design Team 2017

We are looking for experienced energy market & DR specialists to join our Design Team 2017. Do you work for an aggregator, a balance responsible party, a DSO or a TSO? Keen to deepdive in the world of flexibility? Then become part of a game-changing peer group, creating the next iteration of USEF and easing…

New DSO work group to begin

This new work group, consisting of EDSO, Geode and DSOs from several European countries, agreed a 2017 work program during a preliminary session in November 2016. The session also provoked an interesting discourse related to the first two subjects – congestion and value creation. A decision was made to pay special attention to TSO-DSO interaction…

Aggregator workstream continues

The publication of our Aggregator workstream results in November, based on our analysis of aggregator implementation models for Demand Response for Commercial and Industrial Prosumers, has received positive feedback. We are now taking a similar approach to Residential Prosumers. Aspects of this customer segment differ from C&I Prosumers as defined below: Amount of flexibility per…

Structure follows strategy

USEF’s new approach sees the Foundation acting as an advisor, rather than a participant, in implementation projects. The organisation now consists of a small core team, focused on safeguarding the integrity of the core framework and coordinating new content development. Future framework development is foreseen as a collaborative effort of smart energy professionals across Europe, operating…

Winner of 2 Smart Energy Awards 2017

At the award ceremony of the European Smart Energy Awards in London, USEF Foundation and smart energy pilot ‘EnergieKoplopers’ have received the Energy Market Innovation of the Year Award and the Smart Energy Roll Out Innovation Award. The Smart Energy Awards are part of the Smart Energy UK & Europe Summit in London. They are…